Botox For Migraines Treatment in Midtown, NYC

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Botox®, a name that's synonymous with age-defying beauty treatments, has found its way into the realm of pain management. Specifically, for those who suffer from debilitating migraines. If you're in NYC and have been considering Botox as a potential solution for your migraines, this guide is for you. Dive in to understand the procedure, its benefits, and what you can expect when you visit the Central Park Laser Aesthetics office in Midtown Manhattan.

Understanding Botox® for Migraines

When used for migraines, Botox® is specifically injected into the masseters muscle. This procedure aims to alleviate TMJ symptoms, which often manifest as painful headaches and migraines. By targeting the masseters, Botox® helps to prevent teeth grinding —a significant contributor to cranial inflammation and, subsequently, migraines.

Why Central Park Laser Aesthetics Stands Out

  • Holistic Treatment: Our providers, Dr. Tammy Chen and Dr. Arianna Lowney, are trained in Dentistry. Our expertise extends beyond just aesthetic treatments, ensuring a comprehensive approach to our patients' concerns.

  • Addressing Root Causes: Migraines can be triggered by a multitude of factors. During consultations, we discuss these contributors in-depth, aiming to provide the overall best treatment for you.

Addressing Common Patient Concerns

Migraine sufferers may approach Botox® treatments with a mix of hope and apprehension. We understand these concerns and aim to address them head-on.

Botox® as a Migraine Solution

Botox® is a powerful tool in the fight against migraines, but it's essential to set realistic expectations. Botox® targets one of the many triggers of migraines— specifically, grinding that leads to cranial inflammation. While many patients experience a significant reduction in the frequency and severity of their migraines, this treatment may not eliminate them entirely. When Botox® is injected into the masseter muscle, it acts by temporarily weakening or paralyzing this muscle. During this time, we educate patients to be aware of their jaw position and utilize appliances to help train the muscles not to clench. 

Downtime After Botox®

One of the significant advantages of Botox® treatment is the absence of any downtime. After receiving the injection, patients are free to resume their daily activities immediately. There's no need to take a day off work or alter your plans. Some patients fear that this treatment will lead to complete paralyzing of the jaw, however this is not the case. After treatment, you will still be able to talk, chew and other required jaw motions.

What to Expect 

When you step into Central Park Laser Aesthetics, you're entering a space dedicated to holistic well-being. Here's a glimpse of the patient-centric approach:

  1. In-depth Consultation: Every treatment begins with a thorough consultation. This session is crucial to understand the various factors contributing to your migraines and strategize the best approach for relief, as well as addressing any concerns you may have.

  2. Swift Procedure: The Botox® injection process is quick, taking just one to two minutes.

  3. Noticeable Results: Patients typically begin to notice a reduction in their migraine symptoms within 10-14 days post-treatment.

  4. Follow-ups: Given that Botox® is metabolized by the body over approximately 4-6 months, patients are advised to return for follow-up sessions once every 4-6 months, if necessary.

Conveniently Located in Midtown Manhattan

Accessibility is key. Our medispa is strategically located close to Columbus Circle and the 57th Street subways, making it easy for both residents in the area and those traveling from other parts of NYC to reach us.


How does Botox® help with migraines?

Botox® aids in preventing grinding, which leads to cranial inflammation—a known migraine trigger.

What is the downside of Botox® for migraines?

Botox® addresses one of the many migraine triggers. While it reduces severity and frequency, it doesn't guarantee complete elimination of migraines.

Where do they put Botox® for migraines?

For migraine relief, Botox® is injected into the masseters muscle.

How long does Botox® for migraines last?

The effects of Botox® last for 4-6 months, after which a follow-up session may be required.

What is the success rate of Botox® for migraines?

The success rate varies. While it's challenging to predict the exact reduction, most patients experience a noticeable decrease in both the frequency and severity of migraines.

Do you have to get Botox® for migraines forever?

No, Botox® is not a permanent solution. Its effects last for 4-6 months, and patients may choose to continue or discontinue treatment based on their needs.

What are the 3 common side effects of Botox®?

Common side effects include pain at the injection site. If you are considering getting Botox®, it is essential to book a consultation with one of our expert providers to fully understand any potential side effects you may incur for you to make an informed decision.

What is the difference between Botox® and Botox® for migraines?

While the compound remains the same, the application differs. Cosmetic Botox® targets wrinkles, while Botox® for migraines focuses on the masseters muscle to alleviate TMJ symptoms and related migraines.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS


Migraines can be debilitating, and may affect every aspect of one's life. At Central Park Laser Aesthetics, we believe in offering solutions that are both effective and holistic. Our team, with its unique combination of dental training and aesthetic specialization, is dedicated to providing treatments that address the root causes of migraines, offering patients a chance at a more comfortable, pain-free life.