Spider Vein Legs Treatment in Midtown, NYC

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At Central Park Laser Aesthetics,  we offer a cutting-edge solution for those struggling with spider veins on their legs. Our Spider Vein Leg Treatment is designed to effectively target and eliminate these unsightly veins permanently, helping you regain confidence in skin’s appearance.

Understanding the Spider Vein Leg Treatment

Spider veins on the legs can be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness for many. These small, often colorful veins can detract from the appearance of your skin. Our clinic utilizes the innovative excel v+ laser system from CUTERA®, featuring dual wavelengths of 532nm and 1064nm. This advanced technology is specifically designed to target and eliminate spider veins, regardless of their color. 

Treatment Process

The treatment process is designed for maximum efficiency and comfort. We begin by thoroughly cleansing the skin. Then, using the excel v+ laser, our expert providers will apply targeted pulses (typically 1-5) to the spider veins. This quick and precise method causes the veins to collapse and vanish almost instantly.

What To Expect 

Most patients describe the sensation during the treatment as a warm feeling on the skin. This gentle, yet effective approach ensures a comfortable experience without the need for anesthesia. Following the treatment, some individuals may experience a slight rosy appearance for about an hour. However, you can expect no downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately after the procedure.

Long-Lasting Results

This treatment provides noticeable results in just 1 session. While the treated veins are permanently removed, it's important to understand that new spider veins can develop without frequent movement and blood circulation. To prevent new spider veins from appearing, it is recommended to use 20-pound compression socks and to avoid sitting for prolonged periods without getting up and moving. These compression socks, extending up to the knee, help maintain good circulation.

Treatment Benefits

  • Quick and Painless: Our treatment is fast, with most sessions completed in just a few minutes, and involves no anesthesia or significant discomfort.

  • Effective on Various Vein Colors: Whether your spider veins are red, blue, or a mix of colors, our laser treatment can effectively target them.

  • Minimal to No Downtime: You can resume your daily activities immediately after the treatment.

  • Effective Solution: This treatment permanently diminishes the appearance of the treated spider veins


Can you get rid of spider veins on legs?

Yes, our Excel V+ laser treatment is highly effective in the permanent removal of existing spider veins from the legs, offering a safe and non-invasive solution.

How do I stop spider veins on my legs from getting worse?

To prevent spider veins on your legs from getting worse, it's essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet. Additionally, undergoing our Excel V+ laser treatment can effectively remove existing spider veins. 

Are spider veins permanent?

Depending on the cause, spider veins may be permanent. However, Spider veins can be effectively treated and removed. Our Spider Vein Leg Treatment , using the Excel V+ laser system, provides a permanent solution for the treated veins, though new veins may develop over time.

What is the fastest way to get rid of spider veins?

The quickest method to eliminate spider veins is through laser therapy. The Excel V+ laser system offers an efficient and effective treatment, often requiring just one session for noticeable results.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS