Skin Rejuvenation Treatment in Midtown, NYC

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Secret PRO from Cutera®

Although wrinkles, sagging, and other skin imperfections are an inevitable part of aging, you don’t need to accept a tired, weary, imperfect look as destiny. Today, thanks to advances in skincare and technology, our office can help you rejuvenate your complexion and restore a more youthful look. 

A dual approach for smoother, brighter, firmer, and younger-looking skin 

As one of the most advanced systems for skin resurfacing and dermal remodeling, the Secret™ PRO from CUTERA® combines the benefits of bi-polar radiofrequency microneedling with CO2 fractional laser technology to promote collagen production, skin renewal, and revitalization.  

By kick-starting the body’s natural healing processes in both the superficial and deeper skin layers, the Secret Pro creates pleasing improvements to the overall quality of your skin. 

How does the treatment work to rejuvenate the skin?

Microneedling is used to create micro traumas while the radiofrequency pushes heat into the pores stimulating fibroblasts to turn on and make collagen. This tightens and lifts and firms the skin. CO2 laser is like a Fraxel peel. It can be light, moderate or aggressive. This resurfaces the skin and stimulates cell turnover for healthier, more even skin tone, smaller pores skin

Customized care to achieve your aesthetic goals 

With its four signature treatment options, reflecting varying combinations of RF microneedling and CO2 fractional laser options, this remarkable system facilitates fully-customizable care to reduce the appearance of:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Facial sagging 

  • Sun damage

  • Dull skin tone

  • Uneven skin texture 

  • Crepey skin 

  • Stretch marks

  • Large, visible pores


Safe and effective for all skin types, Secret PRO offers an excellent way to revitalize your skin and achieve the desired results quickly, with minimal discomfort and little to no downtime. While a single session can produce potentially dramatic improvements, it typically takes a few appointments to achieve optimal results. 

What benefits can I expect from this treatment?

With less downtime than a surgical face lift, this treatment is perfect for those who want tightened, smoother and youthful skin. The microneedling treatment works to stimulate collagen formation which tightens the skin and leaves it looking smooth. This treatment can also minimize sunspots, fill in acne scars as well as minimize pores. This treatment is perfect for those who want to reduce fine lines around the eyes (crows feet) and around the lips (paraenthesis or smokers lines).

Before and After Results


Am I candidate for skin resurfacing?

Anyone can enjoy the benefits of microneedling however we tailor each treatment to the patient’s skin type and aesthetic goals. During your consultation with one of our doctors, we will determine whether you are a candidate or not.

Does skin rejvenation and microneedling hurt?

In our clinic we use a strong topical anesthetic that we apply for 45 min so that the treatment is as painless as possible. During the treatment won’t feel anything more than a tiny mosquito bite sensation. We can also change the depth and intensity to ensure you’re comfortable. For the CO2 fraction laser treatment you may feel a slight sting but rest assured, it’s very quick and goes away right away once the treatment is completed.

How many skin rejuvenation treatments do I need before I see a result?

You will see results in as little as 1 treatment but ideally you would need 3-6 treatments to see full results. You will need a consultation to discuss your concerns and how many treatments you will need. Treatments are typically spaced 4 weeks apart (some are up to 8 weeks apart depending on the intensity of the sessions). You’ll see an improvement after each treatment and final results can be seen at about 12 weeks after the final treatment.

CO2 fractional laser treatment can be done either with or without mirconeedling treatment. Similar to microneedling, you will need 3-6 sessions to see proper results, however you will be able to see an improvement after just one session. Full results can be seen 12 weeks after the final treatment.

What is the downtime for microneedling?

Microneedling has little to no downtime. You’ll leave the clinic a little rosy and you should avoid wearing make up or tinted moisturizer for at least 4 hours or ideally 24 hours. SPF use is essential and you should stay out of direct sunlight for at least 1-2 days.

After your treatment, we will recommend a skin care routine for your to do which is essential in order to experience the full results of this treatment. It is also important that you do not intensely sweat for at least 24 hours so maybe avoid workouts after this treatment.

What is the downtime for CO2 fractional laser treatment?

The downtime you experience for our fractional laser treatment depends on the intensity of the sessions. If we do light intensity sessions there is little to no downtime however skin may feel slightly dry and flakey. For medium intensity you’ll be red for anywhere from 1-6 days (depending on how far on the medium scale we go). SPF and skin care regimen is a must after medium intensity treatment. For a more aggressive intensity treatment there is about 2 weeks of downtime you’ll be red and peely. It is essential that you do not have any direct or strong sunlight on your skin during this time as well as use SPF and that you follow the skin care regimen that we give you. Again, it is also important that you do not intensely sweat for at least 24 hours so maybe avoid workouts after this treatment.

Is skin resurfacing treatment safe?

These treatments are done frequently and are 100% safe however, some darker skin types are not suitable for CO2 fractional laser treatment. Some people will have pre-treatment regimens to quiet the melanocytes and minimize any risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation(pih) before treatment. A consultation prior to treatment will determine if your skin type is suitable for this treatment and whether you need to do a regimen before treatment.

After the initial treatment, how frequently do I need to return for treatment?

How frequently you need to return for treatment depends on your skin concerns, skin goals, age of your skin as well as your home care routine. Most maintenance is done through our laser genesis excel v+ machine regularly. This is usually done every 4-6 weeks to keep maintain collagen stimulation and to brighten the skin. The microneedling is done as needed which is usually 1 treatment a year. Home care routines and regimens are the most important aspect to maintaining results skin as well as daily use of SPF (even on cloudy days!).

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS