CO2 Laser Resurfacing Treatment in Midtown, NYC

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The CO2 Laser Resurfacing treatment is a cutting-edge solution for achieving smooth, healthy, and rejuvenated skin. Our state-of-the-art approach ensures that you receive the best care and results.

Understanding CO2 Laser Resurfacing

CO2 Laser Resurfacing is a holistic treatment that utilizes the power of controlled laser energy to revitalize your skin. This procedure is highly effective in smoothing skin tone and texture, making it a top choice for those seeking a youthful and radiant complexion. This treatment can be performed as a standalone procedure or following microneedling, providing flexibility to meet your specific aesthetic needs.

The Precision of CO2 Laser Treatment

Our CO2 laser technology allows for precise control over the laser's penetration, including the spacing of CO2 points, depth, and energy intensity. The extreme heat generated for this laser system safely ablates the skin and creates a grid-like pattern of tiny dots on the treated area. This technique stimulates the body's natural healing process to stimulate collagen and elastin production, leading to the regeneration of fresh, healthy skin.

Addressing Concerns 

CO2 Laser Resurfacing is particularly effective for smoothing skin tone and texture, offering the best results among various treatments, especially when combined with microneedling. This treatment is safe and effective for skin types 1-3 and some type 4, catering to a wide range of patients. However, we do not recommend undergoing this treatment during the summer due to increased sun exposure risks.

The Treatment Process

To ensure your comfort, we apply a numbing cream for 45 minutes before the procedure. This preparation step helps make the treatment experience as comfortable as possible. During the procedure, you'll experience a warm sensation as the laser works its magic. The entire face can be treated in just 5-6 minutes. Depending on your desired outcome and available downtime, we can adjust the energy levels to perform mild, medium, or heavy peels. The intensity of the treatment determines the duration of the recovery period, ranging from a rosy glow for an hour to a more pronounced redness lasting up to two weeks.

Customized Treatment for Optimal Results

At Central Park Laser Aesthetics, we understand that each patient's skin is unique. We tailor the CO2 Laser Resurfacing treatment to your specific needs, skin type, and desired results. Whether you opt for a moderate peel with 2-5 days of rosiness or a more intensive treatment, our goal is to provide you with the best possible outcome.

Post-Treatment Care

After the treatment, your skin will be similar to that of a baby – fresh, even-toned, and highly sensitive to sunlight. It's crucial to protect your new skin with SPF and avoid sun exposure to prevent hyperpigmentation. Depending on your skin concerns, our expert providers may create a tailored skincare regimen that assists to maintain and enhance the benefits of this treatment. 


Is CO2 good for the skin?

CO2 Laser Resurfacing is highly beneficial for the skin, offering significant improvements in skin tone, texture, elasticity, and collagen production. It effectively reduces sun spots and promotes tighter, more youthful-looking skin.

What does CO2 treatment do for your face?

CO2 Laser Resurfacing rejuvenates the facial skin by reducing fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and uneven pigmentation. It stimulates collagen production, resulting in firmer and smoother skin.

How long does CO2 laser resurfacing results last?

The results of CO2 Laser Resurfacing can last for several years, depending on your skin type, age, and skincare routine. Regular maintenance and sun protection are key to prolonging the effects.

How long does CO2 laser treatment take to heal?

The healing time varies based on the intensity of the treatment. Mild peels may require only a few days of recovery, while more aggressive treatments can take up to two weeks for complete healing.

How painful is CO2 laser resurfacing?

CO2 Laser Resurfacing can be uncomfortable during the procedure, but our technique ensures minimal pain afterward. The sensation is often described as a warm feeling on the skin.

How many sessions of CO2 laser are needed?

The number of sessions required depends on your skin condition and goals. Some patients achieve their desired results in a single session, while others may benefit from multiple treatments.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS