Postpartum Acne Treatment in Midtown, NYC

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Postpartum acne is a skin condition that many new mothers experience due to hormonal fluctuations during and after pregnancy. While this can be a distressing issue, there are various treatment options available to help you regain your skin's natural glow. In this article, we will delve into the causes of postpartum acne and explore specialized treatments offered at Central Park Laser Aesthetics.

Understanding the Causes of Postpartum Acne

Postpartum acne is primarily caused by hormonal changes that occur during and after pregnancy. According to the Cleveland Clinic, these hormonal fluctuations can lead to increased oil production in the skin. This excess oil can clog pores, resulting in acne flare-ups. Additionally, stress, lack of sleep, and changes in diet during the postpartum period can exacerbate acne symptoms. Understanding these underlying factors is crucial for effective treatment and prevention.

Specialized Treatments at Central Park Laser Aesthetics

Upon consultation, Dr Tammy Chen, or Dr Arianna Lowney will get a better understanding of your acne concern to determine the best treatment tailor for you. There are two common treatments which assist in treating acne and acne scarring:

VI Peels

VI Peels are chemical peels designed to improve the texture and appearance of the skin. They are particularly effective in treating acne, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. The treatment involves applying a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the outer layers and stimulates collagen production.

Excel® V+ / Laser Genesis

Excel® V+ is a non-invasive laser treatment that targets various skin issues, including acne, redness, and scars. The treatment uses laser energy to heat the skin, which promotes collagen production and improves skin texture.

AviClear Acne Treatment

As the only acne treatment of its kind, AviClear targets and suppresses problematic sebaceous glands with ultimate precision. Awarded FDA clearance for the treatment of mild, moderate, and severe acne, AviClear utilizes 1726 nm wavelength laser light pulses combined with AviCool™ sapphire skin cooling and smart sensors to maximize safety and effectiveness while minimizing discomfort.

Central Park Skin Lab Products for Acne Treatment

At-home care is essential for preventing the reappearance of acne. Central Park Skin Lab skincare products contain medical-grade clean and effective ingredients that will further assist you in getting your desired results. Our providers will tailor a specialized routine for you that will support your postpartum lifestyle. These products may include:  

Ultra Hydrating HA Serum

  • Key Ingredient: Fractionated Hyaluronic Acid

  • Benefits: Helps retain moisture in the skin, essential for treating acne-prone skin.

Phyto Multi-Correctional Serum

  • Key Ingredients: Concentrated botanical actives

  • Benefits: Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties beneficial for acne treatment.

Niacinamide Nourishing Moisturizer

  • Key Ingredient: Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)

  • Benefits: Reduces inflammation and redness, often found in products designed for acne-prone skin.

Intensive Illuminating Eye Repair

  • Key Ingredient: All-Trans-Retinol

  • Benefits: Promotes skin cell turnover, effective in treating acne but generally not recommended for breastfeeding mothers.

Luminous CE Antioxidant Serum

  • Key Ingredient: High-potency Vitamin C

  • Benefits: Helps with skin healing and may reduce the appearance of acne scars.


Postpartum acne can be a challenging issue to deal with, but there are various treatment options available. From understanding the underlying causes to specialized treatments at Central Park Laser Aesthetics, you can find a solution that works for you. Complimented with advanced medical-grade skincare products from Central Park Skin Lab, you can regain your skin's natural glow in no time.


What is the best treatment for acne while breastfeeding?

The best treatment for acne while breastfeeding would be the VI Peel treatment. This treatment is topically applied and does not affect the breast milk, therefore making it a safe option for those who are breastfeeding. 

How long does it take for skin to clear up after pregnancy?

The time it takes for skin to clear up after pregnancy varies from person to person and can depend on various factors such as hormonal changes, stress, and skincare routine.

How can I get flawless skin after giving birth?

Achieving flawless skin after giving birth involves a combination of proper skincare and specialized treatments.

Is your skin sensitive to the sun after pregnancy?

Yes, hormonal changes during and after pregnancy can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. It's essential to use a high-quality sunscreen to protect your skin. Sunbetter offers advanced sunscreen options that are suitable for both sensitive and acne-prone skin types.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS