Skin Resurfacing Treatment in Midtown, NYC

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For smoother, fresher, and younger-looking skin!

Enjoy the benefits of a younger, more vibrant, and flawless look without the need for invasive and complex procedures! Today, skin resurfacing and laser peels offer an advanced, effective, and non-surgical way to turn back the hands of time and diminish unattractive skin imperfections.

Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sagging, scarring, and other imperfections

Ablative laser technology incorporates microscopic columns of light energy to target aging and damaged skin and promote the growth of new, healthy cells. The procedure expedites collagen production and remodeling while improving skin tone, texture, and radiance.

With many applications, this safe, non-invasive technology addresses hyperpigmentation, brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles, dullness, acne scars, and surgical scarring to achieve excellent results.

At Central Park Aesthetics, we use the most advanced systems in care to achieve the most pleasing cosmetic results.

The Secret PRO from Cutera® promotes natural processes to improve skin quality and appearance.

With four signature treatment options, the Secret PRO device facilitates fully customizable care to reduce the appearance of:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Facial sagging

  • Sun damage

  • dull skin tone

  • Uneven skin texture

  • Crepey skin

  • Stretch marks

  • Large, visible pores

Before and After Results

Look younger and more radiant with this safe and effective alternative to surgery!

By kick-starting the body’s natural healing processes in both the superficial and deeper skin layers, skin resurfacing and laser peels turn back the hands of time to create pleasing improvements to the overall quality of your skin.

Treatment with Secret PRO is safe and effective for all skin types and involves little to no downtime. Although noticeable improvements are apparent soon after treatment, full results are most visible with a few months following care. It may also it typically take a few appointments to achieve optimal results.


Does CO2 laser resurfacing really work?

Yes, CO2 laser resurfacing is an effective treatment for various skin issues. It works by using a carbon dioxide laser to remove layers of skin tissue in a fractionated method (columns of skin are removed, leaving the skin surrounding each column intact to aid in healing). This process helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, sun damage, and uneven skin texture, promoting the growth of new, healthy skin.

How long does CO2 laser resurfacing take to heal?

The healing time after CO2 laser resurfacing can vary depending on the intensity of the treatment and the individual's skin type, but generally, the initial healing process takes about 1 to 2 weeks. During this time, patients may experience redness, swelling, and peeling. Complete healing and the full effects of the treatment, including skin tightening and texture improvements, can take up to several months as the skin continues to produce new collagen.

How many sessions of CO2 laser resurfacing?

The number of CO2 laser resurfacing sessions needed can vary based on the individual's skin condition and the desired outcomes. Some people may see significant improvements with just one session, especially if the laser is set to a more aggressive treatment level. However, for those with deeper wrinkles, severe sun damage, or scars, multiple sessions spaced several months apart may be necessary to achieve optimal results. Our expert providers can create a more personalized treatment plan upon a consultation.

Who is not a good candidate for CO2 laser resurfacing?

Individuals with active skin infections, severe acne, darker skin tones (due to the risk of pigmentation changes), a history of keloid scarring, poor wound healing, or those who have recently taken isotretinoin may not be a good candidates for this treatment. However, our expert providers may recommend other effective treatment options that are suitable for your skin during a consultation.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS