DiamondGlow® Medical Grade Facial in Midtown NYC

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In Manhattan, NYC, the search for healthier, smoother, and more radiant skin leads many to the DiamondGlow® facial. This medical-grade treatment stands out for its comprehensive approach to skin-resurfacing, combining exfoliation, extraction, and infusion in a single session. With its unique methodology and the use of advanced technology, DiamondGlow® offers a promising solution for those looking to enhance their skin's appearance.

The DiamondGlow® Difference

DiamondGlow®'s treatment process is distinguished by its use of a device tipped with crushed diamonds for exfoliation, alongside a wand that extracts impurities and infuses the skin with SkinMedica Pro-Infusion Serums. This 3-in-1 approach is designed to address a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, dark spots, and uneven skin tone.

Customized Serums for Targeted Concerns

The treatment utilizes five specific SkinMedica serums: Skin Brightening, Ultra Hydrating, Vitamin C, Pore Clarifying, and TNS Advanced+. Each serum is chosen based on the individual's skin concerns, allowing for a highly personalized treatment experience.

Personalization and Versatility

A key feature of DiamondGlow® is its adaptability to different skin types and concerns. The initial consultation process involves a detailed discussion of the patient's skin goals, leading to the selection of the most appropriate serum for their treatment. This level of customization ensures that the treatment can cater to a wide range of skin issues, making DiamondGlow® suitable for nearly everyone.

Treatment Experience

Unlike standard facials, DiamondGlow® incorporates lymphatic drainage in the neck and eye area, particularly beneficial for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting a smooth complexion.

A typical DiamondGlow® session lasts about 30 minutes and is designed to be both comfortable and convenient, with minimal to no downtime. Some patients may feel a scratchy sensation during the treatment.


One of the significant advantages of the DiamondGlow® treatment is the minimal downtime involved. Patients can expect to return to their daily activities immediately after their session, making it an ideal choice for those with busy schedules. While some minor redness or swelling may occur, these symptoms are typically short-lived and subside within a few hours. The non-invasive nature of DiamondGlow® ensures that patients can enjoy the benefits of a medical-grade facial without the inconvenience of a lengthy recovery period.


The immediate outcome of a DiamondGlow® treatment is a more hydrated, smooth, and bright complexion. Patients often report noticeable improvements in skin texture and tone right after their session. The benefits include:

  • Enhanced hydration

  • Smoother skin texture

  • Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Decreased dark spots and discoloration

  • Improved overall skin tone

For sustained results, regular treatments are recommended. The longevity of the effects can vary, but many clients see continued improvement with consistent sessions.

Choosing a Medical-Grade Facial

DiamondGlow® stands out as a significant advancement in facial treatments, offering a customized, effective solution for enhancing skin health and appearance. Its unique combination of exfoliation, extraction, and infusion, along with the benefits of lymphatic drainage, positions it as a comprehensive choice for those seeking the type of luxurious treatment that celebrities often seek out before making their appearance on the red carpet , in NYC. For individuals interested in the DiamondGlow® experience, scheduling a consultation is the first step toward achieving a radiant, healthy complexion with minimal downtime.


Is a DiamondGlow® Facial Worth It?

Yes, a DiamondGlow® facial is considered highly beneficial for those looking to improve their skin's health and appearance significantly. It offers immediate and noticeable improvements in hydration, texture, and tone, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone seeking to enhance their skin's radiance and smoothness.

What Is a Medical Grade Facial?

A medical-grade facial, such as DiamondGlow®, is a skincare treatment performed under the guidance of expert providers. It utilizes advanced technologies and potent serums that are more effective than those used in traditional facials, targeting specific skin concerns with precision for more significant, lasting results.

How Is the DiamondGlow® Different from Hydrafacials?

DiamondGlow® is a medical-grade facial that can only be administered by a board-certified medical aesthetician, unlike Hydrafacials which are available in various spa settings. This advanced 3-in-1 treatment combines exfoliation, extraction, and infusion, using a diamond-tipped device for deeper exfoliation and custom serums for targeted concerns, ensuring a personalized and professionally guided experience.

How Long Do DiamondGlow® Results Last?

The results from a DiamondGlow® treatment can last up to six weeks, with immediate visible improvements in skin quality. For sustained results, regular treatments are recommended, typically every 4-6 weeks, depending on individual skin goals and conditions.

How Many DiamondGlow® Treatments Do I Need?

The number of DiamondGlow® treatments needed varies based on individual skin concerns and desired outcomes. During the initial consultation, our expert providers will assess your skin and recommend a treatment plan. Generally, a series of treatments is suggested for optimal results, with maintenance sessions to preserve skin health and appearance.

Who Should Not Get a DiamondGlow® Facial?

While DiamondGlow® is suitable for most skin types, individuals with certain conditions should avoid this treatment. This includes those with active skin infections, or skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis in the treatment area. Pregnant or nursing individuals should consult with a healthcare provider before proceeding with DiamondGlow®. It's crucial to discuss any medical conditions or skin sensitivities during the consultation to ensure the treatment's safety and effectiveness.

Can I get  DiamondGlow® Facial if I am pregnant?

Yes, pregnant individuals can safely receive the DiamondGlow® treatment. This non-invasive facial rejuvenation method is designed to cater to a wide array of skin types and conditions, including the unique needs of pregnant patients.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS