Excel® V+ Treatment in Midtown NYC

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Advanced Laser Technology for Clearer, Younger-Looking Skin

The Excel V+ laser system empowers you to achieve a revitalized complexion by precisely targeting numerous skin concerns simultaneously. This innovative technology leverages dual wavelengths to deliver safe and effective treatments, while also stimulating collagen production for improved skin health and a more youthful appearance.

The Excel V+ Difference

  • Precision and Performance: Safely and effectively treat a wide range of concerns with powerful precision provided by the Excel V+ system.

  • Dual Wavelengths, Multiple Solutions: The system's 532 nm and 1064 nm wavelengths expand treatment options for various vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, and skin revitalization.

  • Customizable Treatments: With six operating modes and 1-16 mm spot sizes, Excel V+ offers tailored treatment parameters for each patient's individual needs.

  • Fast Treatment, Visible Results: The Excel V+'s increased energy capabilities deliver noticeable results with minimal to no downtime, allowing for a fast return to your normal routine.

Treatable Conditions

Excel V+ targets a wide range of common skin concerns, including:

  • Rosacea and diffuse redness

  • Facial and leg veins

  • Periorbital veins, angiomas, and port wine stains

  • Poikiloderma and wrinkles

  • Venous malformations and bruising

  • Inflammatory acne

  • Benign pigmented lesions, age spots, and small-area hair removal

  • Scars and acne scars

Signature Treatment: Laser Genesis

Leveraging the Excel V+'s non-ablative 1064 nm laser technology, Laser Genesis offers a non-invasive treatment designed to enhance your skin's overall quality.  This gentle approach stimulates collagen production, effectively addressing textural irregularities, redness, and other concerns.  The result? A smoother, more even complexion for all skin types.

Is Excel V+ Right for You?

The Excel V+ could be an excellent solution if you're interested in addressing a wide range of skin concerns, including rosacea, redness, veins, wrinkles, uneven texture, pigmentation issues, or scars. This versatile device offers safe and effective treatments for various skin types. To determine if Excel V+ is the best treatment approach for your desired results, consider booking a consultation with our expert providers.


Does Excel V+ treatment hurt?

Excel V+ treatment causes minimal discomfort. You may feel mild heat pulses as the system targets areas beneath the skin's surface.

Is there any downtime associated with Excel V+?

Excel V+ has minimal to no downtime. After treatment for blood vessels, you might experience slight redness for about an hour. Otherwise, there's no need for numbing or time off from your regular routine.

When can I expect to see results from Excel V+?

Results with Excel V+ vary depending on the treated condition. For those requiring a single treatment, you might see results soon after leaving the clinic. If  multiple treatments are needed, you'll notice gradual improvements as you complete your sessions. This will be discussed during your consultation.

How many Excel V+ sessions will I need?

The number of sessions depends on the treated condition. Laser Genesis is recommended for maintenance every three to six months, or monthly for more frequent skin brightening benefits. Most vascular lesions may only require one treatment, but can reappear. Sun spots, textural imperfections, or rosacea  might need maintenance sessions and consistent SPF50+ use for optimal long-term results. A personalized consultation can determine the best treatment plan for your individual needs.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS