truSculpt® Fat Reduction Treatment in Midtown NYC

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Non-Surgical Fat Reduction with Minimal Downtime

This innovative, non-surgical body contouring treatment utilizes monopolar radiofrequency energy to permanently reduce fat cells in the subcutaneous layer, delivering an average of 24% fat loss.  While precisely targeting fat, truSculpt also stimulates collagen production, resulting in tighter skin and a smoother, more sculpted appearance.

The truSculpt Difference

Personalized Fat Reduction

truSculpt’s monopolar radiofrequency technology precisely targets the subcutaneous fat layer for a customizable treatment that aligns with your body and goals.

FDA-Cleared Results

Patients can expect an average of 24% fat reduction with this clinically validated, FDA-cleared treatment.

No Downtime

Resume your everyday activities immediately after this comfortable treatment with zero downtime or discomfort.

Versatile Treatment Areas 

Address stubborn fat in the abdomen, flanks, arms, thighs, calves, chin, and other areas of concern.

How truSculpt Works

Targeted Energy Delivery: A specialized handpiece delivers controlled pulses of radiofrequency energy deep into the subcutaneous fat layer, passing harmlessly through the skin.

Selective Fat Cell Heating: The radiofrequency energy selectively heats fat cells within the targeted area to a therapeutic temperature, disrupting and breaking down fat cells.

Natural Fat Elimination: Over the following weeks your body's lymphatic system naturally eliminates the damaged fat cells, permanently removing them from your body.

Skin Tightening:  Simultaneously, the heat delivered by truSculpt stimulates collagen production. This newly formed collagen tightens  loose skin and helps to smooth out the treated area, creating a more sculpted and toned appearance.

Is truSculpt Right for You?

If you're seeking a slimmer physique and lasting fat reduction without enduring surgery or extended downtime, truSculpt may be your ideal solution.  For a comprehensive approach to body contouring, many patients opt to pair their truSculpt sessions with the truFlex treatment, which focuses on muscle building for a more defined physique

A personalized consultation with one of our expert providers will help you evaluate if the truSculpt treatment, or a combination approach, aligns with your unique body composition and aesthetic goals.


Does truSculpt treatment hurt?

truSculpt treatments are not painful. You'll feel a warm sensation, similar to a sauna, in the targeted areas. Your skin might be slightly pink afterward, but this fades quickly.

What are the contraindications for truSculpt?

truSculpt is not suitable for individuals who are pregnant, have pacemakers or implanted defibrillators.

What can I expect from a truSculpt treatment session?

Wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the treatment area. During the session, specialized paddles are positioned on the target zones, delivering a warm to hot sensation for 15 minutes. You may experience some skin redness immediately after, but this is temporary.

How does truSculpt compare to other body contouring treatments?

Unlike some other treatments that temporarily shrink fat cells, truSculpt offers permanent fat reduction by directly eliminating fat cells.  It consistently achieves an average of 24% fat reduction in the treated area.

Where does the fat go after truSculpt?

The heat delivered by truSculpt essentially liquifies targeted fat cells.  Your lymphatic system then naturally eliminates these damaged cells from the body over the following 2-3 months.

How many times can you get a truSculpt treatment?

We generally recommend 1-2 treatments per area, depending on your goals.  The exact number of treatment sessions will be determined during your consultation with one of our expert providers.  They'll create a personalized plan for you, which may include scheduling treatments spaced 6-12 weeks apart for optimal results.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS