AviClear® Acne Treatment in Midtown NYC

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FDA-Cleared Acne Treatment for Lasting Results

For those seeking an effective and lasting acne treatment in Midtown Manhattan, NYC, AviClear offers a clinically proven, FDA-cleared approach. This innovative device goes beyond traditional acne treatments by directly targeting and suppressing the sebaceous glands, where acne originates. Unlike chemical treatment options, AviClear's gentle approach is safe for all skin types and tones, allowing anyone to achieve clearer skin.

The AviClear Difference

Sebaceous Gland Suppression

AviClear's selective wavelength technology precisely targets sebaceous glands, reducing the overproduction of sebum which can clog pores and lead to breakouts.

Chemical-Free Treatment 

AviClear eliminates the potential for irritation often associated with chemical acne solutions.

Safe for All Skin Types and Tones

Whether you have sensitive skin or deeper skin tones, AviClear offers a safe and effective acne treatment option.

Body Acne

AviClear's unique approach combats acne not just on your face, but also on your back, chest, or other areas prone to breakouts.

Clinically Validated

As an FDA-cleared treatment, AviClear demonstrates a proven record of safety and efficacy for mild, moderate, and severe acne.

Minimal Interference

AviClear treatments require virtually no downtime, allowing you to return to your normal activities immediately.

Long-Term Results

Achieve clear, healthy-looking skin with just three quick AviClear sessions. Depending on the acne severity, our expert providers will create a personalized treatment plan to ensure patients receive their desired results.

Is AviClear Right for You?

AviClear offers a promising solution for individuals who have experienced limited success with other acne management methods, or those seeking a chemical-free approach. If you're ready to take control of your skin, consider booking a consultation with one of our expert providers.


Does the AviClear treatment hurt?

You might experience a slight stinging sensation, similar to a mosquito bite.  The discomfort is minimal and temporary.

Are there any special preparations needed before AviClear?

To maximize your results, we may recommend a chemical peel or a DiamondGlow®

treatment prior to AviClear. This helps clear out pores and reduce potential purging during the initial stages of treatment.

How many AviClear treatments will I need?

Most patients achieve optimal results with 3 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Is there any downtime associated with AviClear?

No, there's no downtime with AviClear. You can resume your normal activities immediately after your treatment.

How long does it take to see final results from AviClear?

Visible improvement will generally emerge within a few weeks after your first treatment, with final results typically appearing 6 months after completing your treatment series.

Will AviClear improve other areas of my skin besides those with active acne?

Yes! AviClear not only addresses current breakouts but often leads to an overall improvement in skin texture, reduced acne scarring, and a more balanced, radiant complexion.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Tammy Chen, DDS